25 second landscape warm-up

by Polyvios Animations, September 20th 2020 © 2020 Polyvios Animations

Done as part of a practice session with poses of 25 seconds in length.

My current goal is: Make my one-point perspectives more fastest and good-er.

Here is my latest practice warm-up sketch. What do you think of this above?


Pretty good


i think its great to do warm ups but i don't exactly understand what this drawing is of, so I think instead of trying to fill up the page you should try to get your drawsing a little more detail. Of course this is only 23 seconds but i think it is possible for you. :)

Mis Mango

I love distinct color choices and line variation. I might say for warm-ups, if your focus is to improve one-point perspective, I would say to try to hold true to that goal in the warmups. I don't feel any sense of one-point perspective here. That might involve slowing things down to focus in on a particular skill you're practicing (1 pt perspective of otherwise) or allowing yourself a little more time in your warm up to really nail the improvement you're aiming for. You can always decrease the time you allow yourself as you improve. Hope this helps and keep up your efforts and studies!


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