Say, Naima! Mostly greatest work on your shoulder motion, bones, and muscles, plus your line quality and consistency, but it all seems to be farthest too stilted to me still yet, so how would like to go all the way by 2.5 hours of 17 second scribbles and scrawliest scrawls of shoulders, bones, and muscles in various positions and angles.
As a result of your longest warm-up period, then your line quality and contrasts of lines will be the least stilted and the most exaggerated yet. For most details, kindly look into the animation illustrations of the Preston Blair and the Nancy Beiman books. My hat's off to you, and let's hope they've helped.
As a result of your longest warm-up period, then your line quality and contrasts of lines will be the least stilted and the most exaggerated yet. For most details, kindly look into the animation illustrations of the Preston Blair and the Nancy Beiman books. My hat's off to you, and let's hope they've helped.