Practica VCM 11_08_23

by Viclamo, August 11th 2023 © 2023 Viclamo

Done as part of a class.

My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form

Polyvios Animations

Say, Viclamo, greater job on your range of breadth of relationships, (proportions and angles), yet greater job on your tools, but your poses all seem a bit too stilted to me in terms of your lines of action, but why don't you please loosen up your relationshps, spaces, and forces with 10 minutes of 2 minute poses to completely and absolutely loosen up your relationships?(proportions and angles)

The arguement behind this thingy is as a result your overall proportions of the human forms will be drawn less stiffer and more than dynamic, spontaneous, fluider, and more flowing. For most info, look into getting a Kindle of the Mike Mattessi Forces book.

My hat's off to you.


Thank you so much for your advices, I fell my poses are stilted in terms of lines of action too. I will continued working with 10 minutes of 2 minute poses.

I have seen Mike Mattessi Forces book and I love it. It´s very interesting book.



The red left one seems very slim / distorted to me

1 1

The proportions aren't too bad in my opinion (the belly and pelvis of the lady on left are just a bit too long).

What you need to do now is to to go up a level and try yourself on muscle study.

I know it's daunting and not easy but it will improve your comprehension of the human body and how all the body parts are connected. Right now if you remove the red lines of the skeleton on your drawings, all that's left are flat silhouettes.

You don't have to draw a full muscular body : try to draw arms, legs and torso seperately, but really focus on the muscles. You can also try to replace your structural red lines by geometrical forms like spheres, cubes a cylinders to put more depth inside the body.