45 mn of 5mn poses
© 2024 GdlB
As suggested, I practiced on 5 mn poses mainly with my elbow and shoulder. It was harder than I thought. I felt that I frequently started to use my wrist despite me.
Initially I wanted to do a 105mn session, but I was tired and started to feel bitter. So I prefered to stop.
Polyvios Animations
The logical premise behind this little piece is so that your brain can and will be really full on stimulation, and that if you don't take a break soon, then you'll be burnt out quickly.
Let's hope this piece of advice has done you greatly, for you can and will and must take it with a grain of salt.
Yeah, I know a few about 'mental health' (don't know if it's the right term). That's in part why I stopped the exercise yesterday, to take a break and keep it as a pleasure.
Concerning physical exercises, I don't pratice Pilates, but lately I started to do some stretching and stepper. I also see a physiotherapist, due to mobility disabilities.
Well, I'm talking a lot, but it was in order to reassure you about this.
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