No, but seriously though

We did finish uploading the last of the images from our first shoot, which included a lovely new model.





With everything said and done for photoshoot #1, our collection of hands & feet photos is 699 photos strong, and our faces collection contains 443 photos. Yowzers.

For photoshoot #2, we're aiming to increase our hands/feet/faces diversity by adding elders and children to the mix. I'll bring you more updates as planning continues.

We have some other kinds of photos (animals animals animals!) to bring to you in the intervening weeks.


Q (unregistered visitor)
That is amazing and you are amazing! Yay!
Kana (unregistered visitor)
I've been practicing figure drawing for a while, and I have just discover the hands feet and face part of the site.

Kim - Administrador del sitio
Glad you like them! They are pretty much brand new. :)

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