You did an interesting job using shapes, but I see it's important, you also think about smaller shapes, dividing the drawing into from large shapes to small ones, example, for the cat's face, you can think of a box for the top. and two spheres for the "cheeks", for the torso, think of three ellipses of different sizes, in short, think first of the larger shapes, and then think of the smaller shapes, and lastly of the tiny ones, in addition to first focusing on pass the gesture, then you focus on the shapes, and finally on the weight of the line, in addition, it is important for you to ask yourself, "What makes the animal, this animal?", or, "What makes me identify that the Is the person sitting?" Before finalizing the analysis, about the shapes, use the ones that work best for you, and about the questions, make adaptations to them, to make more sense with what you are drawing or trying to understand.
A hug, I hope I helped you.