facial expressions practice

Inicio Foros Crítica facial expressions practice

This topic contains 1 replies, has 1 voices, and was last updated by Worldpeace 1 day ago.

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  • #32659


    I'm trying to improve my skills of drawing faces. unfortunately, i didn't set a timer or anything so i don't know how long each of them took. i also added the screenshots of the initial references, all from this website.

    my main problem is struggling with proportions and catching, thus capturing, emotion. i used this website to practice and set the expression to neutral - these don't seem exactly neutral to me. anyway!, i would appreciate any critique on these sketches, not only on the stuff i described.


    from what I've noticed, their chin looks weird in the third sketch (going from the bottom) because i messed up their proportions and tried to fix it -- didn't go well. overall i like how this piece turned out, especially since i haven't practiced in a long time. :)


    p.s genuinely I'm afraid i loved the model's features too much and might have exaggerated them. it wasn't not my goal at all. (and english isn't my first language so my wording must seem weird. i apologize in advance if you had trouble reading this post.)

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