I've been seeing your posts, and I think what might help is to slow down a bit and really get into the nitty gritty of studying forms and anatomy (some of yours are very strong, so you already have a decent foundation that might make the curve easier) - right now it feels like you're subscribing to the idea that practicing more will automatically improve your skills, but are you stopping to absorb the information? Are you learning anything?
Doing things like this can sometimes cause you to reinforce your bad habits, and will eventually burn you out. It might be worth adding longer timers, or trying to do things without the use of a timer at all - just take your time and really observe your subjects.
Your drawings look cute. Your mass approach to the audience is a bit overbearing, though. Scrolling through 300 sketches takes a lot of time, and when I read your title, I immediately had the strong impulse of "I don't know if I want to do that". That is frankly the reason, why it took me a while to answer.
Maybe you should presort your works a bit, and then only present a dozen or so at once. Maybe the ones you like best, although I know, that it's hard to pick your favorite children. Maybe some, where you tried to focus on a specific thing you wanted to achieve, or even some, where you approach something, that you find challenging to draw.
Also, your quality is very high and consistent. Which is off course a good thing, but it is also a sign, that you are well within your zone of comfort, and probably not exactly discovering a lot of new things doing it. You love your shorties, but how would you develop them, if you spent more time on each drawing? These are all 30 seconds, what would you do with a whole minute, now, that you have established your first steps so firmly?
If you occassionally try out 5 minute or 10 minute sketches, that would also give you a feedback on your shorties: Can I start a long drawing with eactly the technique, that I train with the shorties, or do I have to modify the initial lines and use another setup, because I don't get enough proportions developed to spend a longer time detailing them?