New 150 practices, 30 seconds each (2) + Notes/practices from the book "Force: Animal Drawing". + 10 thicker stroke practices.

Inicio Foros Crítica New 150 practices, 30 seconds each (2) + Notes/practices from the book "Force: Animal Drawing". + 10 thicker stroke practices.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Drunkenelf hace 1 año.

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  • #29778
    Hello everybody! I recently (not to say yesterday) posted in the critique forum a practice of 150 drawings of 30 seconds each of animals. Personally, I want to be able to draw animals in their great diversity and as many species as there are, and I have recently started to read the book "Force: Animal Drawing; Animal Locomotion and Design Concepts for Animators", a great book that I recommend to anyone who wants to improve their drawing and the fluidity that can be found in the strokes when applying the "FORCE" (from what I understand, it goes from the direction in which you make the strokes and the contrast that you apply in these for the creation and composition of the figure).

    I was also advised to try to draw with thicker strokes, so I made some first 10 sketches applying the advice, but the drawing ended up looking rougher. I think I didn't quite understand it, maybe they meant to use a stroke to give a direct form to the drawing (make the stroke so big that it only consists of erasing certain parts to finish the figure faster -I saw this from some artists in speedpaint, but I haven't been encouraged to apply it, but I don't know if they meant something like that or not. Any suggestion or advice is welcome).

    Fun fact: I'm reading the "Force: Animal Drawing" book from their 10th Anniversary. Today I read up to page 56.

    Below you can find the links to all my practices from today:

    New 150 practices, 30 seconds each (2)

    Notes/practices from the book "Force: Animal Drawing".

    10 thicker stroke practices.
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    Good evening, Jolty, and once again, a farther than greater job on your quick warm-ups of the animals and other drawings. I especially love all of your improvements you've made to all of your animals, but they were all too many to take my pick from.

    However, in some of these animals, including some of these equines and more, some of them seem a bit farther than too itchiest, hairiest, and scratchiest in most of them, and more critters. How would you like to please loosen your critters but liven them all up the most of them with 8 more minutes of 28 second scribbles of animal warm-ups? And that's not all, please keep on reading most of the others form the Forces Animals book.

    As a result, if you can do this suggestion/request, then your species of all the animals seen under the sun, will and can all be the least ridigest and stilted, but the most dynamic, spontaneous, and liveliest. Practice makes progress, as they can all say. Good luck to you and your marches of improvement.
    IMpressed by your quick turn around with more practices! Looks like you are really vibing with the book you were reccomended!

    The funny thing is that even though you said you didn't really like using the thicker brush, I think it was actually pretty effective at reducing some of your worse habits that you practice in your original style. The thicker brushes stopped you from over drawing the circles you use when contructing most of your bodies. Its doing exactly what I wanted it to do and slowing you down just a little.

    For comparison these two examples right here.


    I feel the one on the left is far more succesful at depicting an animal than the one on the right, even though in a lot of ways it reads flatter. The limbs are mostly finished and the bolder lines feel more pleasing to the eye. Those scritchy lines on the right figure feel quicker when you draw them, but what actually happens when you draw lines over and over like that is this.

    *draw line quickly*

    *glance at figure to double check, it doesn't feel right*

    *draw line quickly again*

    *glance at figure again. it still doesn't feel right*

    *draw line a little longer this time*

    *glance at figure. It feels right. Uh oh time is more gone than you thought QUICK PANIC LINES!*

    Even though you draw the lines quickly, sketchy lines waste more time than you think.

    Now, even though I clearly like the thicker brush drawings more, if you don't particularly enjoy them, you don't have to do them, at least not all the time. I personally think you should do them as a quick warm up, and then move onto your regular style of practicing, but please, PLEASE try drawing that style for a minute or two, not thirty seconds. Finishing the whole figure an important part of the practice and if you are stuggling to do that in 30 seconds, there is no shame in extending that time. The speed can come later. And I think its a good idea to practice refining your stuff a little more as well.

    Don't be afraid to apply the techniques from that book in your gestures too! Especially if you are giving yourself longer times. The second example from your notes link invaluable to master. Understanding the basic form of weird noodle shapes is so dang usefull in all forms of art.

    Keep it up!
    1 1

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