Would love a note system for the tracker

Inicio Foros Soporte y sugerencias Would love a note system for the tracker

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Kim hace 1 año.

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  • #29888
    Now I have no idea how difficult it would be to add but I think it would be a nice feature.

    Everyday, I check the time tracker to remember what I did the day before. Would love a feature that would let me add a little note to the study sessions I had that day, either before or after a timed session. It could be something like...

    20 Minutes

    "Worked on hands, I liked the technique I used."

    10 minutes

    "Wasn't vibing with this session, maybe research how to draw arms?"


    "Work on expressions for guys today, try for 30 minutes"

    1 hr 20 min

    "This session was interesting, reformat it for critique"

    The big problem with my growth is that I keep bouncing around things I practice, even with the goal for the week at the very top of the time tracker. My adhd is really bad, and my memory just evaporates after a session, so anything that can help me keep track is really really helpful. It might also help me be more willing to re-examine my previous work.
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    Ooh, this could be a really interesting feature...

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