Mensajes en el foro por nina

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  • #25615
    YES you definitely improved. You've got a better grasp of anatomy/ proportions and your lines are more confident. To keep improving, you should definitely keep doing these studies, but in order to learn more about specific body parts (like hands, feet, etc) you can also practice drawing them in isolation. I highly recommend sinix design marco bucci and atey ghailan. You will improve if you keep drawing so have fun with it!
    2 1
    Im new here as well :^)

    Anyway, i think these are great. The proportions are good in all of them but the first set (30s im assuming?) are a bit messy. The sketchy lines would work better if they had more direction to them. For the shading, I think you're on the right track but there are areas where it's hard to tell which is in the shadow or light. Here's a really helpful video on the subject! [url=
    The proportions are good on the the 30s and above times. I can see you struggled with 15s but that's okay, you can just keep doing studies at longer times, then once you have a good grasp of anatomy/proportions you can do the shorter ones (focusing on gesture rather than anatomy). 30s to 60s are good enough times for you to break down the anatomy without rushing and it prevents you from rendering it too much. Good luck!