Mensajes en el foro por Arcade4

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  • #197

    Hello loves. My name is Arcade and I'm new to this site. A little background from me, I'm 24 years old and I took art classes in high school. I loved to draw. But then I graduated, got a job and real life got in the way of my art. Then inspiration was harder to get a hold of then the desire to draw at all disappeared. My mental state didn't help, I was recently diagnosed with Schizo-effective disorder.

    Lately, after meeting my Partner, I have gotten that desire back but I'm still struggling with inspiration. I was hoping that with the combination of the tools on this site and more encouragement, I could find it again. I was wondering if anyone had any advice or had any stories they would like to share about losing and then regaining their inspiration to help those of us who are lost in an artists wasteland with no hope in sight.

    Thank you kindly from your friendly neighborhood