July 27, 2023 3:32pm #29975Truly appreciate your feedback! I noticed that I never give myself time to warm up so definitely gonna keep that in mind >_< I'm gonna try out your suggestions in my next practice sessions. Thank you so much for the feedback!!July 27, 2023 3:25pm #29974I really appreciate your insights, and YASSS, I agree, my line economy is something that i found really hard to manage. I think i like the idea of trying to do it with 8 lines, I'll definitely take this into account when trying to practice gesture drawing in my next session. Also, can't wait to read the source that you provided! Thank you so much for your feedback!!July 26, 2023 8:56am #29956I've been practicing my gesture drawing for a week and i wonder why i feel kinda stuck.
At the first 3 days, I've seen some improvement on how i capture the essence of the pose and the energy of the pose. But the last 2 days i felt like my gesture became worse(?) idk T_T
Am i doing it wrong? What's the right way of practicing gesture? >_<
Is there something that I've been doing wrong? I hope i can find a way to get unstuck
Starlightceu edited this post on July 26, 2023 5:56am. Reason: wrong link