I'm doing an online figure-drawing course and it emphasized to start off with gestures (30 sec, 1 min, 2 min) for 1-2 hours daily to really train your brain to capture movement and fluidity in your lines because its harder to unlearn stiffness later on. Im supposed to do a variety of them; 30 sec for 30 min, 2 min for 30 min , etc etc but i tend to be perfectionistic with the longer ones so I cheated and just do 30 seconds to force my brain to just do the lines and not overthink. Im gonna flip to 2 min for now and try amping up the speed as the session goes by as you said. As for the YouTube link, sorry, but I dont think his gestures are good, it seems like he is just drawing the person completely accurately to the photo. The gesture content i've seen from other artists exaggerates the lines, the angles, to really show what movement the figure is doing.
thanks for the reply. So you are suggesting something along the lines of limiting myself to 15 second gesture drawings? I can try that but I noticed they come out as stick figures. I guess my biggest issue is successfully showing fluidity in the gesture.