Mensajes en el foro por niosh

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  • #2097
    Hey dutch! Love that you've started to gesture, its an extremely healthy habit to practice! In your gestures, I would like to recommend searching for the forms of the body, rather than the lines. The lines are what you draw, but they are based on what the body is rather than what it looks like.

    I'd also like to rec Matt A's gesture videos! They've done me wonders since I began practicing gestures.

    This is his series on figure drawing!! -->

    Hope this helps!
    @Marymary thanks so much! your comments brighten my day :)

    Got these figure study process shots uploaded! :D
    Hey Swen! Great foreshortening in the lower left. Don't have much to critique, but keep it up :) !!!
    Thank you Mary! :D

    Hey guys! Had a bit of a crazy week last week, but I'm back home and ready to keep uploading :) Today I worked with some charcoal pencils and did some 30 second to 5 minute figures. For the 5 minute ones, I went with what I would usually call more difficult poses. I wanted to challenge my focus, as that is usually the decider on how well my gestures come out. I feel like they went really well! Let me know what you think!

    I also have a figure study I'm working on. I'm taking process shots to upload where I've experimented with different techniques and etc :)
    Thanks for the comment Mary! I really enjoy 1-2 minute gestures, but I'm trying to learn how to stretch time and center focus on much longer gestures, its definitely tough work! :)
    Hey everyone! More gestures today, was able to tape the big sheets to the wall and take better pictures, also feel like I'm getting a hang on gestures again :D
    Hello! This pose is definitely a challenge, but do-able with the right approach. I would begin by outlining the torso in what is known as 'the peanut' technique, (or some other very silly title.) In the technique, you draw two orb shapes, one for the rib cage, and one for the hips. You add a contour center line and connect the two in what usually looks like a peanut. What I know about it I learned from Matt A. on Drawing Tutorials Online (Video link below)

    Here's what I came up with. The shape is still a bit difficult for me to understand and convey simply, as in a gesture, but I was able to identify a center line which helped out a lot!

    Hope this helps :))

    Hey :) Great work in here, especially doing portrait work daily and establishing the good habits. You seem a bit hesitant in what I've seen so far in varying how you do portraits (medium, approach, detail, size) as far as I can tell. Along with your daily sketches like these, it may be helpful to also work on bigger, more time consuming portraits where you can explore different variables and study more in depth.

    Doing consistent, various portraits is a great way to improve, but using one or a few faces and taking time to study the face through and through will also show you new lights! :)

    Hope this helps!
    Hey everyone! I'm mildly new to this site and am hoping to gain some more knowledge on art as a whole. I've been on the hunt for a forum that can help me with learning to draw living forms, and building a mental library of such, and I think I found it here :))

    Here are some gestures I worked on today, I apologize for the quality of the photo, I do gestures on large newsprint sheets. If I keep uploading I'll try to lay the pages out under a unified light source or something the like to make them look better :0