Mensajes en el foro por Polyvios Animations

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  • #25267

    Hey Silmarillion Sun,

    Allow me to introduce, my name is Polyvios, Polyvios Animations. I'm doing fine, how are you. I looked at your figure sketches, and you'd done a totally greater job at capturing the gesture of the studies with as fewer as 10 lines. Keep it up!


    Gee, Kim, thanks for the fix-up.

    Polyvios Animations.


    Hey Kim, this is Polyvios Animations, here again. And I just messaged to say that I have to report a bug. My 2 day streak today, on Jan 18, totally didn't become a 3, because I just practiced for 3 days. Won't you fix up this bug, please, please, please???


    Polyvios Animations


    Nice work, Eunlan,

    Nicer work on your pencil croquis, Eunlan. That's more finer potential on your figure studies, and I've got one smaller-than-small request: Why don't you do and try learning how to tone a ground please? It will be most effective and helpful on your next assignment. Thanks for the Tumblr,

    Polyvios Animations


    To Whom it May Concern,

    I still have some serious trouble with inserting images. I really need your help tomorrow morning at 10:30.

    Polyvios Animations.


    Does this answer your question? Well, what do you think?

    Thanks and have a great day!

    Polyvios Animations


    Hey Line-of-Action-ers, this is Polyvios Animations. I'm doing okey-dokey, how about you? Say I've got to get to the point. Tonight, I've been really drilling myself into drawing perspective and composition for my drawings and sketches, and I've been aware of one small problem. I really seem to get into the problem of getting wonky perspective into my work. How do I deal with that? What kind of books do you recommend?


    Nice job on drawing the same pose in 4 minutes, 2 mins, and so on. So, I've got one small request, why don't you try to draw that same one in 3 minutes 59 please?

    Polyvios Animations.


    Hello, Rex, I'm Polyvios, Polyvios Animations. How do you do? Say, let's meet up some time.


    Great job, napaurelie, great job on your 30 minute drawing class! Keep up the great job! If I were to give you much more feedback, I would really clearly say to do a figure study in 20 minutes (1200 seconds), would you, please?

    BTW, thanks on your post.

    Cheers to you,

    Polyvios Animations.

    P.S. Are you familiar with line-speed-beauty, or not?


    I mean, how long did it take for you to sketch those studies?


    Fantastic job, nsto, on your improvement of your 30s studies. Can you do some 9 29s figure studies, please?

    Polyvios Animations


    Nice job, NicoNogue. How did it take for you to sketch in those studies?


    Well, Motonimus, great job trying out. Great job on those 1 minute (60 second) poses, especially your gestures and roughs in red, and black on red, but, why don’t you do those 59 second gestures please? Thank you for posting. Polyvios Animations.

    P.S. I’ll be doing those 59s sketch studies, too.


    Great job on that C curve.
