Children poses Mar 1 2025

by Joannelesk, March 1st 2025 © 2025 Joannelesk
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 2 minutes in length. My current goal is: I don't know! I am an absolute beginner; I'm here to study the basics of rendering
The poses are alive and they are not stiff. Theres room for growth which I think you'll be able to do in no time.
Hi, and just wanted to say great start! I like the variety of poses you're drawing. That by itself is a great challenge. Starting out with 2 min poses is a nice way to loosen up and start drawing freely, and get used to seeing proportions rather than overthinking them.

I don't know what you're looking for, but one suggestion for you would be to do a 2 min pose, then a 5 min with the same pose. See what sorts of additional detail, proportion & shape corrections you find. Expanding beyond 5 minutes could maybe be too much depending on the level of detail you're working to capture, but it can be super-informative to take your time and draw in the receeding and protruding planes of the body (i.e. in a front-on view like these consider the side of the face to the ear, side of the torso, etc).

Happy sketching to you!
New to critiquing, but I noticed how the one is kicking like it probably has a shadow, but it not obvious.
This is a great start. I recommend squeezing more poses on one page by drawing them multiple times.
your first one very well drawn however with your second one i would suggest simply making the nose come out of the face rather then flat, i think that would change it completely. for your third one the only thing i have to say is to potentially bring the pants a bit closer to the pelvis so it doesn't look as blocky or add simply clothing stretch lines to define it more as clothing

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