
by Inno 2641, September 18th 2018 © 2018 Inno 2641

Done as part of a practice session with poses of 30 seconds in length.

My current goal is: Reduce stiffness and make my drawings feel more dynamic, energetic, fluid

Polyvios Animations

Good morning, Inno 2641, and greatest work on your more than lighter but looser but livelier sketches of your figure drawings. Also, please keep on exaggerating your vitality and energy in your next poses of 6 minutes of 29 second sketches.

おはようございます、Inno 2641 さん、フィギュア図面の軽くて緩い、しかし生き生きとしたスケッチの作成に大尽力してください。 また、次の 6 分 29 秒のスケッチのポーズで、自分の活力とエネルギーを誇張し続けてください。