30 second exercise
© 2020 Trstorey
Done as part of a 1 hour class.
My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses
[url=&list=PLtG4P3lq8RHFBeVaruf2JjyQmZJH4__Zv]Anatomy playlist.[/url]
Try this playlist. Study as much as you can. Good luck.
Try this playlist. Study as much as you can. Good luck.
First, learn from observation and not imagination, that really healpfull and you will improve a way faster.
Then, when you draw poses, don't draw line but draw shapes that really important, in the real life we are not lines we are shapes.
so i advice you to start with a lot of 1 min drawings were you draw with shapes, you can draw with charcoal to help you if you want but its really important to work like that.
the only one good reason to use line is to mage the line of action, to understand de mouvment of the character, the line the body follows.
bye and keep drawings !