day 21 - taiga

by Jordankinsley, September 26th 2020 © 2020 Jordankinsley
i need to keep up with my practice, i missed a couple days for reasons ill excuse myself for, but i feel like the hair is bad in this one as welll as the foreshortening of the hand. i didnt spend too much time coloring this one cause its getting late. hoping for a good day of practice tomorrow.
Tx Williep
Striking figure. Is the right foot pulled out of her shoe? Looks a little awkward. The coloring looks just fine. The Right-hand looks OK & the left-hand looks a little small.

Keep going, you are doing great.
The arm on the left seems a bit short. The pose is good but the legs toward the feet look a bit awkward. I would recommend practicing drawing shoes/feet from different angles (it's one of my weaknesses too!) but overall it looks pretty good in terms of posing etc. keep practicing, you'll thank yourself in the future!