Longhaul portrait -50 min in
© 2021 Aunt Herbert
50 minutes in
My current goal is: Improve my shading and rendering of light.
Aunt Herbert
You are right, the faces of the plane are my next challenge. Thank you for your book recommendation.
Polyvios Animations
So, if I was to provide a littlest nitpicky thing, then it could be that your shade of your zygomatic arc (cheeck bone) is the least too broadest, darkest and coldest. Would you please be the most thoughtful and insightful with a the facial planes with a 2 hour class of faces and expressions (all normal and flipped vertical) (all grayscale) The reasoning is as a result, you'd be able to constantly get better with rendering the lights and shades of the facial planes of your faces and expressions. If you're constantly and completely curious, then could you please check out a link to this book?:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0615272819/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0615272819&linkCode=as2&tag=lineofactio-04-20&linkId=cae62d57c33f39db73b485812bdd132d
Good luck, cheers and my hat's off to you.