Portrait Graphite in a Mechanical Pen

by Tx Williep, August 2nd 2021 © 2021 Tx Williep
Pencil portrait from the CC Art Center session. Total time -3 Hours. > 20 min draw then 6 min break
That's a great study. I don't know what the reference looked, but the values look really good. One thing tht stands out is that the lines look a bit skratchy, and there are also minor proportion problems (the head looks a bit bigger than it should). Nothing that more figure studies won't fix.
Tx Williep
Thank you for critiquing my drawing. It looks like the lady. This was a portrait session. Practice always makes better.
Polyvios Animations
Greatest job on your finished figure portrait, txWilliep, way to go on your attentions to forms and details.

My smallest, tiniest nitpick for you would and could be that some of the details and forms are a teensy bit too ambiguous and stiffest for me. Would you kindly simplify and loosen up your drawing above with a 19 minute, 59 second longer study (1199 second) from your custom timer on our website? The reason why you could do this smallest and tiniest suggestion is because, it can help you out on your animation simplification in drawing. For the most info possible, here's this video to guide you.https://youtu.be/znKHzGVd7JU

Good luck to your goal, and I hope this has helped you.
Tx Williep
Thank you for critiquing my drawing. This was a PORTRAIT session, not an animation session. The model did not move during the session in their pose, except for brakes. A lot forgot where their hands were and the same for their feet. If I tried to do multiple poses like a life drawing session, there would have been a revolt (maybe a Texas necktie party). Once a pose is established, the group does not take kindly to changes. Remember it was a 3-hour portrait session.