From last nights 2 hour session (9/12/2018)
© 2018 Line
I usually never do this long a pose and stick to 10-20 minute tops so I got to render more than I ever have and noticed rendering is hard! The longer you render something the less of the life of the figure and you keep making it stiffer and stiffer. It was fun though and will probably do another session today unlocking them achievements X).
Any pointers are still welcome!
I was focusing on light and dark (tried at least :3) I wanted the eye go to the face but it's poorly lit so everything I worked for just made the eye directly go for her bum instead. I'm basically just uploading it as a milestone I can look back at.
If you're looking back at this and feel like you're doing a poopy job, remember: everything is made out of poop.
Polyvios Animations
The reason is because, your understanding of the clearest, most directest, but most simplest constructions of the poses will and can be the most cartooniest but funniest in your execution with stylization. For most details, kindly look up the free PDF of the Vilppu Drawing Manual.
Hope you've found these completely and totally useful, supportive yet beneficial, beyond the darker shadow of a doubt.