Good evening, Punch Coco, and welcome aboard, if this is your very first time, then let me say, Congratulations! You've asked for comments for the first time ever. I'm Polyvios of Salem, MA, and how are you doing tonight?
Greatest job on rendering motion, spaces, forms, and relationships. (Proportions and shadows) And some lights and shadows and the gestalt, too!! All I can say is; please add this digi-drawing to your portfolio now!! Hope this had been completely and utterly useful. Or if not satisfied with this, you can please keep up the greatest practice!
Greatest job on rendering motion, spaces, forms, and relationships. (Proportions and shadows) And some lights and shadows and the gestalt, too!! All I can say is; please add this digi-drawing to your portfolio now!! Hope this had been completely and utterly useful. Or if not satisfied with this, you can please keep up the greatest practice!