5 and 10 min sketchs

by KATSVAL, December 18th 2022 © 2022 KATSVAL
Hi every one! In your opinion what went right and what went wrong. Thank you for critique. Kats
good work! you have a lot of fluidity in your drawing. i think at this point i'd recommend just really learning proportions. for example, with the man with gun drawing, unless the drawing is of a child, people have pretty long legs. the average leg is about 50% of the body so it should be about the same length as the torso and head combined. you may have done this and erased it but it really helps to break the body down into smaller shapes, like circles, rectangles, trapezoids, just shapes the human body can be composed of. the human body is an incredibly complex shape made up of hundreds of smaller, more simple shapes and if you start by drawing those simple shapes, it should help with the pose, anatomy and proportions. i hope this helps and keep up the good work!
Polyvios Animations
Good evening, KATSVAL, and welcome aboard. I'm Polyvios. How are you doing tonight? I'm impressed with the fluidity of lines, shapes, and positive and negative spaces. Keep up please.

However, I'm not getting enough of that boiling the model down to the possible raw essence. How would you please go for 20 minutes of 2 minute poses, all flipped vertical, and then horizontal? The reason is because of two things, a) to tap yourself in more further into your right side of the brain, and b) to make your lines and spaces less stiffer and most fluid and liveliest.

I'm not really a pro artist, cartoonist, and animator yet, but please take this advice with a really small grain of salt. Hope this helps and hat's off to you.