This is my first try and I would really appreciate it if someone told me how to improve it.
© 2023 Yuxin Zhang
Done as part of a 30 minute class(and a 15 minute class at the beginning).
My current goal is: I don't know! I am an absolute beginner; I'm here to study the basics of rendering
Yuxin Zhang - I like your progression from the free lines to the finished sketches. I am the model for the two finiished sketches (sitting from the back and hanging from the bar) and I feel like you have done a great job of capturing the image I had in mind when doing these poses. Very nice work! I look forward to seeing more of your art.
Yuxin Zhang
NHWilliam-Wow, I'm so excited that my first sketch was approved by the model in my pen! Thank you very much for your encouragement and recognition! This is very important to me! To be honest, I am a little discouraged from sketching until now. It is your encouragement that makes me regain confidence!
your line of action poses are very nice! i feel like the ones where the joints are drawn with dots are sketched with very tiny lines. try keeping the dynamicness of the lines and draw in big sweeping motions (my art teachers always say to draw from your shoulder instead of your wrist) this allows for bigger motions and smoother lines. the more finished artworks are on point. a bit small but very neat for someone who is just starting out, keep it up!!
Yuxin Zhang
Yumimoon-Thank you very much for your advice and encouragement! But I don't quite understand it. How can I draw joints with very thin lines? Does it mean to outline the joint with thin lines?