Non dominant hand 2 mins
© 2023 Naima
thanks Soulsoda for your percise answer, since I am right handed, I find it hard to move my left hand in bigger strokes, but I will try.
Polyvios Animations
Hello again, Naima, I think that your 2 minute non-dominant sketch, as far as the looseness goes, you're on the right track, but I feel that your lines are far too wobblier and shakier and uncertain to me.
In order to push your lines of action even more than your looser lines, then would you kindly sketch far more faster and bolder with as much more fewer lines as possible with 3 more hours of 26 second scribbliest warm ups, using your non-dominant hand? To accomplish that, you might need to ghost your pencil to practice your edges a bit more above the paper (surface), before getting that more extremely lighter touch to your looser but stronger lines of action. For most details, look into free PDF of Ben Caldwell’s Action! Cartooning. Good luck, yet take these with a smaller grain of salt, and hope these've helped.
In order to push your lines of action even more than your looser lines, then would you kindly sketch far more faster and bolder with as much more fewer lines as possible with 3 more hours of 26 second scribbliest warm ups, using your non-dominant hand? To accomplish that, you might need to ghost your pencil to practice your edges a bit more above the paper (surface), before getting that more extremely lighter touch to your looser but stronger lines of action. For most details, look into free PDF of Ben Caldwell’s Action! Cartooning. Good luck, yet take these with a smaller grain of salt, and hope these've helped.
Thanks again, I give my left hand some time to reajust.
Would have loved more examples, not a ton to go on with just one piece, but here it goes. This is a tough exercise and a very humbling one, so Im impressed that you posted anything at all.
Shaky lines are a clear sign that you are taking too long to make your marks, which is understandable cause its your other hand and your motor skills aren't as good. You are trying to coax your non dominant to use the same motions as your right, which is not the best way to approach the exercise in my opnion. After all, you aren't going to be drawing with this hand all the time, so why get precise with it?
The point of the left hand exercise is to really think about your approach to a figure. You can't rely on the practiced motions of your other hand, you have to make each stroke logically. I can see you did draw the gesture lines underneath your piece, which are far more smooth and confident. Try to use the same speed and approach when devoloping the next step of the figure.
Practice the line using you whole arm holding the pencil above the paper before making a mark. It is far easier to coordinate your non dominant arm with just the shoulder join, then it is to bend all the individual fingers accurately.
Also, work bigger! You won't have to work on little details so soon if the piece is larger to begin with. Paper is cheap, at least the kind you should be using to practice these exercises with.
Shaky lines are a clear sign that you are taking too long to make your marks, which is understandable cause its your other hand and your motor skills aren't as good. You are trying to coax your non dominant to use the same motions as your right, which is not the best way to approach the exercise in my opnion. After all, you aren't going to be drawing with this hand all the time, so why get precise with it?
The point of the left hand exercise is to really think about your approach to a figure. You can't rely on the practiced motions of your other hand, you have to make each stroke logically. I can see you did draw the gesture lines underneath your piece, which are far more smooth and confident. Try to use the same speed and approach when devoloping the next step of the figure.
Practice the line using you whole arm holding the pencil above the paper before making a mark. It is far easier to coordinate your non dominant arm with just the shoulder join, then it is to bend all the individual fingers accurately.
Also, work bigger! You won't have to work on little details so soon if the piece is larger to begin with. Paper is cheap, at least the kind you should be using to practice these exercises with.
I appreciate you comment very much, because now I understand the non- dominant drawing much better, indeed I believed the goal was to draw left and right side likewise, like playing a piano. Thank yiu.
Soulsoda (unregistered visitor)
I think you can improve your lines by doing them faster in fewer strokes, giving them more energy and making them more confident. If you're not sure on an line, ghost the movement above the paper to practice the movement before placing the line. Moving your shoulder helps to get the movement for bigger lines and use your wrist for smaller ones.