Drawing with carcoal seems to make it easier to draw faster and lighter, but I am still struggling with my lines. Any advice or critiques mostly welcome.
Say, nicest work on your loosest but most exaggerated lines, as usual, but your decisiveness could use the most work possible. How would you like to take your charcoal pencil and warm up your outlines and loosest feeling of the cartooniest character, using 45 minutes of 28 second loosest scribbles?
Fun Fact: Did you know that by working with your lines can furthermore teach you how to be the most decisive in your approach to sketching? If you do, then you can and will be the most quickest with your line quality, but to be the most boldest and convicted in your graphic communication. For most info, please look into the Nicolaides book, The Natural Way to Draw. Hope you've found these informative and informational.
Fun Fact: Did you know that by working with your lines can furthermore teach you how to be the most decisive in your approach to sketching? If you do, then you can and will be the most quickest with your line quality, but to be the most boldest and convicted in your graphic communication. For most info, please look into the Nicolaides book, The Natural Way to Draw. Hope you've found these informative and informational.