20230614 - Gestures 60sec

by Steiff, June 14th 2023 © 2023 Steiff
After not having drawn gestures since a long time I commited myself to draw every day even if I only have 5 minutes of spare time between my freelance projects. Here I tried to keep my lines as loose & confident as possible. Feel free to give advice or critique. Have a nice day
Polyvios Animations
Good morning, Steiff, and welcome to Line of Action. I'm Polyvios, and how are you doing today? Say, you're doing a far great job on your flows and fluidities of your poses and I love it! Please keep on pushing yourself further and then push farther.

Now, I think that these poses all seem far too stiff, bland, and boring, but I feel that you need to push them even more over the limit. Would you like to try out for 6 mins of 30 second poses, if you don't mind?

So, if you warm up your lines of action with an even quick time limit in comparison and contrast to 60 secs per pose, then your myelin sheaths will become much more than sharper with practice and time. And, to make your lines of action somewhat less rigid, and more gutsier, spontaneous, therefore with more sparks of life. For most info, look into the 2 PDFs of the Walt Stanchfield series. Hope they've helped and please take these with a tiny, little grain of salt.
Hi Polyvios,

Thank you so much for this very constructive critique and for the time taken ... I totally agree that they are too stiff and not very exciting. I'll definitely try to push these further today.

Where can I find these [color=#212529; font-family: Raleway, sans-serif; font-size: 16px]Walt Stanchfield series pdfs ?[/color]

[color=#212529; font-family: Raleway, sans-serif; font-size: 16px]Have a nice day![/color]

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