A couple 30-60 second gestures; first time studying in a hot minute

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Franqgarcia 2 years ago.

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  • #28627

    Hey everyone,

    In a post I made on here roughly 7 months ago I said how frustrated I was by my lack of drawing ability.

    Following the advice of some good friends, I then took a 2 week hiatus from drawing altogether. After that, I returned with the intention of drawing more often purely for fun. That was 6 months ago and in the meantime I have picked up figure drawing again, this time with a healthy spirit.

    Under the link below are some 30-60 second gestures. I would like to improve, so I'm looking forward to hearing critiques ^^


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    I'll say some of the main things.

    1. Gesture its like a flow the shape doesn't matter find what the body is doing and not how the body looks

    2. Try limiting yourself to a fixed number of lines. so as to have less shorter lines and more longer lines which will help.

    3. Exaggerate it. when you go to figure drawing the drawing will become more stiff. so, to balance that the gesture drawing must be exaggerated. Otherwise the drawing would lose it's life.


    Those are excellent sketches, you really have captured the energy of the poses. The only thing I would say is that you seem overall more confident drawing lower bodies - maybe have a go at focussing more on the upper part of the body next time?


    I think that your sketches are very good. You should just relax a little bit more, so the lines don't look so stiff. I think you are on the right path.


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