struggling with sub 2 minute quicksketches

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Jolie VK 4 years ago.

  • S'abonner Favori
  • #25964

    Hi folks, so i've been doodling on & off for a long time but really struggle with the quicksketches, some days i'm happy(ish) but mostly I just get tempted to move on to poses of 2 minutes + so they can look slightly better, which I know isn't ideal.

    I say 'gestures' in inverted commas because on quicksketches I tend to just keep the pencil on the paper/ ipad & skate around lightly & quickly then just put more pressure down when I want a line to count, so it's not really like any guide to gesture that i've seen, I just can't make the decisive flowing lines on quicksketches & this way I tend to end up with something at least :D

    I struggle most with almost straight ahead poses, if it's an almost dead centre forwards or backwards pose I just go straight for the outlines & mostly they turn out badly, does anyone else find this kind of pose harder? The more twist or stretch a pose has the happier I am drawing it, even if it does turn out terribly.

    Anyway, i've attached some 1 minute poses from today, any tips would be greatly appreciated, all the reference & life drawing you can do online now is great, but the one thing I miss is real feedback

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    These are actually really nice. Maybe pick one or two and working on fleshing them out. Overall....they are pretty good.


    Thanks, I always feel guilty if I spend too long on a sketch thinking I should do more quicksketches, but perhaps I'd learn more doing some longer ones. I'll update next time I try 🙂


    Excellent performance yet, Mr Torrance. But if I was to give you an honest critique, it would be to do 2 more minutes of 30 second sketches, with as fewest lines as possible, all draw with your whole shoulder, not your wrist. And why?? Because, your lines will become the most loosest and the most liveliest. Sweat it out about becoming absolutely beneficial for your next assignments. Good luck, and stay safer.


    Most of those are really beautiful. I can see some proportions off in some of them mostly the size of the head and neck.
    Keep it the good work.


    These look amazing, the only thing i would change is drawing in the figure more. Other then that they look great!


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