Varied Gestures

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Sanne 7 years ago.

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  • #405

    Hey, I'm kinda new to this all so can I get some general critique? I drew several bodies, faces, hands, and feet. Different times for all of them, but generally 5~8 minutes.

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    Hello axentis, welcome to the forum!

    Your sketches look really good to me, there's not a whole lot right off the bat that doesn't look right. The full body figure holding weapons facing forward looks a bit wonky, mainly in the waist/hip area with some off proportions in the legs, but the rest of your gestures appear very well balanced. I love your face gestures!

    Is there anything in particular you're looking to improve first? Any other goals you've set for your art?


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