Messages du forum par Googoodolls132

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  • #25680

    These are my recent gestures that I made, I would appreciate your opinions

    I have a question, everything has gestures ?, even parts of the face such as eye or mouth?
    Sorry if it's a silly question, but I want to make sure of this.


    Hello again, I just finished my gestures practice, and well, personally I think my gestures are not clear and I should use less lines, but I would like to know your opinions on this

    psdt: I just noticed that the gestures Kimon Nicolaides was referring to, is called "scribble gesture"



    Thanks for the answer, you clarified my doubts about the gestures of the book, I try to imitate the poses before drawing to feel that "energy" that Nicolaides says.

    About the book, will it help me to have a solid start in drawing? Because I have read in forums like WetCanvas that there are users who say that it is the best book, while others mark it as total garbage


    Thank you ,Polyvios Animations, you gave me a time model for my next studies, since I didn't have it defined. i will use it.


    Hi, I am new to this community, I would appreciate any criticism of my gesture drawing
    I am currently studying the Natural way to draw book by Kimon Nicolaides, if someone has read this book before, I would like to know if this is the right kind of gesture, since he does it like doodles