Messages du forum par Artsyrm

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  • #26270
    Hello all, thanks a lot for your feedback and taking the time to go through my drawings! Also many thanks for the encouraging words, I will keep on practising consistently :) Some comments/questions:

    @TxWilliep - I indeed struggle with drawing/ representing hands and feet, I will definitely work on that.

    @Polyvios Animations - Thanks for the tip, I will check the book you've mentioned! Hopefully I start focussing on the gesture than the details with my longer drawings.

    @PollyJ - really like the example, thanks :) I'm wondering how I can add more variety to my lines..

    With a pencil I end up focussing on the details as I just unconsciously switch to the tripod grip. I'm currently using a woodless graphite stick to try and use an overhand grip but I'm not successful with that all the time. Any suggestions on this?

    @leofelco816 - I'm yet to get hold of the Brigdman's book, thanks for the tip!

    Yes, it is indeed challenging for me to think about proportions even when I'm doing the 5min poses. How does this become 'second nature'? Just by practice? Or are there any methods for this, like marking out some proportions at the start?
    Hello all :) I have been practising figure drawing (30s - 5mins poses) for the past 2months. It would be a huge help, and I'd really appreciate if you could critique what I've done until now. What's lacking and what should I learn to improve my drawings? Thanks a lot in advance!

    My drawings: