Messages du forum par illographer

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  • #799

    Hi Mikoko,

    welcome back:) I think it's really great you're starting again.

    When I started this project I thought it was going to be easy, that 100 drawings is not that much....boy was I wrong! I'm in for nearly three weeks and just finished no. 15.

    You can find it here.

    So a long way to go, but I must say, I can see some improvement so the project is a success already :) No matter how long it takes to finish it. (you can find my first here)



    You should check out this website:


    I found it very useful because it's explained clear and quite simple how to draw the head from different angles.

    1 1

    And welcome Lucian!


    Hi Finn,

    Nice work! I think you should be careful with thinking your hips are always too low, because it has a lot to do with perspective, like in sketch 21 where you look a bit down on the model they are ok I think.

    Maybe it's more that the upperbody is too long sometimes.

    Maybe it will help if you count how many times the head fits into the body? And into the different parts like shoulders to hips, hips to feet, etc. That helps me a lot, but I have the issue of drawing the heads too small most of the time :-)


    Hi Taylynne,

    I had a look at your drawings and I think you are already improving yourself if you compare the first 10 with the other 7.

    It looks to me that the drawings from the back of the hand are more accurate than the drawings from the inside/palm of the hand. Everything is there as it should be, but I think if you would add more depth and volume to the fingers pointing towards you, it will improve even more. Maybe it will help you if you build it up out of block or cylinder shapes first, and determine for each part the direction the part goes. That way it is easier to avoid the drawing from becoming flat.

    I found this link quite useful, although it looks like just some random notes and sketches, and more comic style on hands and feet, they do show direction and volume. Worth a look at.

    keep up the good work! and hopefully this advice is useful for you.



    Hi Aelankaelyn,

    At the moment I'm reading " the new drawing on the right side of the brain" by Betty Edwards. (It's called new but actually it's a book from 1999) It teaches you how to get rid of drawing what you (think you) know instead of what you see. I just started reading but if you believe the results from other students they show in the book it should be a real kickstarter in learning how to draw!

    Good luck, and don't forget: drawing should be fun don't get too focused on the results just yet.


    Hello Everyone,

    Some weeks ago I found this great website and forum.

    I'm usually more of an observer and really self-conscious (so reverandjames you're not the only one :) ). But you've all really inspired me to start my own 100-project. I would like to get better at drawing people and drawing faces, especially drawing from life, to get my working speed up.

    My goal is to post a drawing everyday, to avoid becoming too self-conscious about my work or spending too much time on it.

    I've started a blog to post my images:

    Come take a look, I would love to hear your comments/suggestions.

    @El Bow: I really liked your hand studies, good idea to use the photographs as a background and study anatomy. And such dedication!

    @robb Nice tumblr page, a good way to see your progress!