Your proportions are awesome! Where the rib cage and hip bones are also important in figure drawing. Draw a little larger and get those two things right, I put dots where the elbow, knee joints are. Then get the tilt of the head, feet and hands. With these down you should be about to finish the drawing without a model. Add more detail to the chest to show where the center is back or front, this will tell you a lot about what its doing. Then if theres time i put a hint of the deltoid, the top of the femur on the hip, pubic bone and maybe two dashes for the eyes. If you draw large enough you can try to finish the drawing later with tracing paper. Good practice for your anatomy.
You might want to try drawing fast bones only : )
These drawings are very good and your proportions are good too. I would not put a dark online around every form it flattens out the figure. Think of clay balls sitting on top of each other. Some shapes are in front of other shapes so they would overlap and hide the shapes slightly behind. Darken your lines on the underside of shapes and lighten lines on top. like the tops of arms, legs and shoulders the line should be light to show light hitting it and under them u can darken the lines to show shadowing.
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