Sounds like a classic case of being too hard on yourself/underconfidence.
In all seriousness these are really good and you’re also only doing them in one minute which isn’t a ton of time to draw a whole human body. There’s a couple methods you can try if you haven’t already which might help like drawing a stick figure or even drawing the body as the shape it kind of makes like a triangle (if the body looks like one) or square or more complicated shape and drawing the body within that shape. It mostly helps me by giving me extra reference points to help compare body proportions but I don’t always use that method.
For working on confidence though, you gotta trust in yourself and in your body to just do what it has to to get the job done. Pretend you have the confidence you need to do this. Pretend you have the confidence to draw like an old master and allow yourself the chance to feel good about it. Art shouldn’t feel overbearing and make you feel panicky. Find ways to have fun with it! Explore techniques that make you feel better and make it feel fun! Also do longer form studies too, that will help to show how much you can do! 1 minute is good for basic construction but sometimes you need extra time to properly place things which you would need extra time for. You’re doing awesome! Keep at it!!