May 3, 2023 3:28pm #29653I've always found cartooning a great way to fill in the blanks when your stuck. I find just studying different styles can loosen you up & understand the important parts of a drawing.
One style I've found strangely difficult (just need to sink more time into it) is The Simpson character. They've very well documented & the artbook "The Simpson Handbook" is a very detailed book in my collection. A lot of the production art as leaked online, & one youtube video I'm currently watching is called The Simpson no no sheets . I think it's about time I move from static I Poses & look for thing more dynamic, like the Marge dance meme
The Simpsons 'No-No Sheets’ &t=188s.
Marge Krumping! ♫ [Original HD] &t=1s --- Slowing it down to 0.5 & you can easily see all the frames
How to draw Homer Simpson
I found some Production art on the internet archives https://archive.org/details/simpsons-drawing-guide/page/n35/mode/2up
along with some others https://archive.org/search?query=subject%3A%22model+sheets%22 https://archive.org/search?query=subject%3A%22production+art%22-
Bryan_Johnstone edited this post on May 3, 2023 12:32pm. Reason: to add more
Bryan_Johnstone edited this post on May 3, 2023 1:08pm. Reason: adding more
May 1, 2023 1:08pm #29651when it comes to computer parts, quality can make a world of diffrence. It's hard to make art if your pc keeps crashing.
I got both a dirt cheap & very expensive drawing screen & drawing tables from XP-pen recently, & both have there strengths. The big screen is great for serious work while the cheap tablet is great for chill project on the couch. I don't think throwing too much money is really going to make too big a difrence having diminishing returns, but tech changes fast so updating maybe more important.
As for trandishinal art tools, I've had a lot of fun in the past going a cheap as possible. I challanged myself to what I called the caveman art challange, your only able to use tools you make yourself & it really helped me learn to be very resourceful. -