Messages du forum par Cassidy478

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  • #1160

    So I've been drawing for a while, I'm not too bad but I'm kinda wandering here.
    That is to say I want to improve but I'm at a lost what to zero in to REALLY improve.
    I just posted on the 100 drawings challenge but I'm having trouble breaking down my issues.
    I know I suck at perspective.
    My drawing Faces is shabby.
    Also my Shading needs work.

    I need exercises and strict regime to practice.


    @El Bow  Thanks!

    With the first 5 suggestions, should they be broken down in to smaller goals?



    Uhh... I haven't been on this for a while but it's always been a dream of mine to become a great artist.
    I wanna try this challenge but I don't know where to start (Shading?, Perspective? etc.) I'm a beginner.  :(