Messages du forum par Ed Al

  • Auteur
  • #31339
    I would like slightly better quality control of reference photos - no models that are poorly lit and wearing too much/too loose/too dark clothing. In short, I want to draw models that I can see. Great majority of photos are fine, there are some exceptions - a person in a loose dress posing outside in contrasting lighting, a person in black catsuit in a dark studio - that one is probably the worst, I can't see them at all. Ofcourse, I can skip them, so not really a problem... Also I would like to add that I love Line of Action, I think it's already a great, highly beneficial resource as it is.
    I would like to be able to save preferences/defaults for session type, length and model selections, or for LoA to remember my last settings and auto-fill them. For example, I want to practice drawing adult models in 30minute lesson mode, and I'd like these settings to be pre-selected whenever I'm logged in.

    In general, I feel like in the free version at least, there's not much point being logged in at all, as it offers little benefit compared to public access. Allowing a little customization would help.

    Other than that, I second the requests for more newbie tutorials - in particular, I'd love a step-by-step guide how to draw a human face quickly, in the spirit of LoA, similar to the figure tutorial, and I'd also love more model categories.