Messages du forum par Merryone

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  • #37757
    yea discords my preffered platform, havent heard of slack myself
    i dont mind making the discord server, if we do that

    also, heres the page i made today:
    that is true, i just didnt wanna make it awkard and suddenly say to join a chat or discord instead, but id be down to do it.
    still, although i missed yesterday, i drew a page today. just wasnt as practice oriented as last time, but oh well
    &this is the page i drew, plan is to draw 1 page a day altho its not really working haha
    also wish i had drawn more neatly/with more effort i didnt think id be posting it T-T
    just wanted to make a post bc why not
    boom im reading this rn
    id post the image i drew but i dont think i can do it in here
    i think i can relate, im currently trying to improve my skills of figure drawing and theres so much i dont know its sorta overwhelming. you got anatomy, lighting, color, perspective, etc. and im a novice at all of them. 
    i believe part of the reason is fear of faliure and just being bad at new concepts you try to learn. oh and looking at my own art and thinking: "this is garbage."
    regardless, ive set a goal to draw 1 page a day, and it worked for a week or so until i got sick.
    currently attempting to get back into it, but hopefully ill make that goal work and start learning again