Messages du forum par vanillabook

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  • #456

    Drawings from the end half of my 30 min class!

    Here are my first-ever gesture drawings-- some of them were 30 seconds, some were longer, according to the preset class time. I went over some of the ones I liked in ink, trying to be more confident with my lines. I used a hard charcoal for these, and I didn't like it. I think next time I will try using a sketching pencil. Or maybe pen, so I'm not allowed to take anything back? ;)

    I am still a complete beginner so I have been trying to figure out how gesture drawing "works." I find the 30 second poses are impossible which is why I only included figures from the end of my session where the times were longer. The first five 30 second poses I tried to draw literally only have a head and spine line.

    I can tell my proportions are way off on a lot of these and I don't know how to fix that. I would really appreciate any advice or suggestions!