Messages du forum par Idon'tknow

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  • #30563

    One more thing, what am I supposed to do if i have to correct the drawing if it is quite obvious i am not representing the action at all? Should I make the very first line the best possible one by the get-go or move on and make it a learing opportunity for later? Sorry if I am still asking all these questions, I just want to know if my eyes are not decieving me. Thanks again for your help.


    what about the 30 seconds ones?


    yeah, it would be pretty cool


    I just tried that in my newest post. I also avoided to stop the timer. So, it sounds even more obvious i was not capable to make even one construction line in a proper way.


    For this one session I followed the advice of not stopping the timer and using as few lines as possible, I think the result might speak for itself. I was not even capable to draw construction lines or solid shapes at all for how little time i had.


    Thanks for your feedback! I really want to ask you what you mean for "making them dynamic", do you think my drawings would become less stiff if they were drown with fewer lines?


    Regarding the time I spent. I really had to stop the time because I couldn't even draw the other half of the body properly even just the contour, I try doing it in the way you asked me to and I want to see what happens.

    Also I know "drawabox". But I did not stick long enough because the lessons became too much complex and in order to get a critique for improvement is required a reddit account wich I don't have and it is way harder for me to use compared to this site. Also, wouldn't solid shapes make the body, more stiff? Does it count of I try to show my box drawing skills here too?


    Hi, everyone. I just uploaded my work for today. time set: 30 minutes of class mode that turned into a hour and a half.


    The reason I didn't think to skip those images is that I thought the site would consider them as already completed, and to me, I thought it was cheating. With that being said, if i ever find them again in my lifetime, how is this method used for these kinds of sedentary poses? If I get the solution, I would not even bother to find those wheelchair poses at all. I tried doing them anyway. If you want, you can see them and tell me what you think of it.

    Still, thanks for the time you spent considering my request for help. I am grateful.


    Oh, i did not expect for someone to respond to me. Anyways, thanks for giving me your feedback. Regarding the tutorials... i am having some problems with them :'(. I already posted my problems on the "practice & advice" thread. i put it here as a quote so it is easyer for you to read.

    Hi, as I mentioned in the title, I don't understand the instructions on how to begin drawing human poses. It first instructs me to draw a line that is not an 'S' in about 10 seconds. Then it presents the most awkward, stiff, and perspective-defying poses known to man, and I really don't know how to apply this method. Honestly, I'm unsure of what kind of line of force I should use if the person is standing perfectly still or hanging from something. Should its line of action be a stick, not a 'C' shape?

    Another thing, why are there so many photos of people in wheelchairs when the tutorial doesn't teach me anything about these mechanical contraptions? I really hope someone can help me understand how to navigate this situation because learning this skill is already difficult for me, despite my best efforts when I was younger. I can't comprehend those artists on YouTube who share their life experiences and somehow reach a professional level in just three years.

    I might sound exhausted, but that's because I am, and I really hate failing despite following the instructions.

    I also bought the 'dynamic life drawing' book and I still do not understand it. I have this sort of 'relationship' with art books; without knowing the right way to read them, they sound like mumbo jumbo to me. I feel sorry to express this frustration, but I have no other way to convey this particular feeling at the moment. Actually, I lied. Before creating my account, I tried practicing figure drawing on the same site for an entire month. However, I never saw any improvements whatsoever. I got really frustrated and eventually abandoned the studies.

    I see myself as someone who can't just learn by practicing more. I think I was born different from my peers. However, what I know makes me improve is having someone else tell me what I am doing wrong. I apologize if I come across as pretentious or a bit of a deadweight.

    Thank you, anyway, for welcoming me to this community.


    Hi, as I mentioned in the title, I don't understand the instructions on how to begin drawing human poses. It first instructs me to draw a line that is not an 'S' in about 10 seconds. Then it presents the most awkward, stiff, and perspective-defying poses known to man, and I really don't know how to apply this method. Honestly, I'm unsure of what kind of line of force I should use if the person is standing perfectly still or hanging from something. Should its line of action be a stick, not a 'C' shape?

    Another thing, why are there so many photos of people in wheelchairs when the tutorial doesn't teach me anything about these mechanical contraptions? I really hope someone can help me understand how to navigate this situation because learning this skill is already difficult for me, despite my best efforts when I was younger. I can't comprehend those artists on YouTube who share their life experiences and somehow reach a professional level in just three years.

    I might sound exhausted, but that's because I am, and I really hate failing despite following the instructions.


    If you have problems seeing the image tell me in the comments. I also hope if the images where i took the references from are valid or part of the rules in this community.