Beginner Figure Practice
27 members
Anyone who feels like they are just starting their figure drawing journey is welcome to join me! I had a year of experience in high school, but am now picking it back up after several years. Let's draw!
Doodle Overload
31 members
A casual group to share your drawing practice and studies. Let's help each other to become a better artist!
FORCE drawing group
57 members
"Force" drawing is an approach elaborated by Michael Mattesi that breaks down gesture and flow in life drawing. Whether you're proficient with this approach or you're just getting started with it, come and discuss here! (Note: This group is not affiliated with DrawingFORCE.com)
We srawin we Bawlin
2 members
this is a study group.
10 members
chill practice
Les instructeurs peuvent revoir le temps de pratique des membres.
5 members
this is a group for studying and discussing. (12+ please)
Sheridan Bachelor in Animation, 2024
3 members
For a good portfolio>:)
Les instructeurs peuvent revoir le temps de pratique des membres.
1 member
R o s e R i v e r a
5 members
exchanging creativity
3 members
Studys global
6 members
Groupe dans lequel on fait du modèle vivant ! Pas de pression, on progresse à son rythme !
group 1
3 members
Ce groupe évite les images de nudité.
Daily Study
44 members
General Group for study accountability
Les instructeurs peuvent revoir le temps de pratique des membres.
Artstyle Group
23 members
We can talk about a little bit of everything about draws and drawing, but more about the artstyle ! Every artstyle are accepted, one about an easy and basic CountryHumans artstyle to a realistic one ! Yey, so, come here, everybody is allowed to join, and please, be respectfull.
1 member
3 members
2 members
Storyboard Study Group
21 members
Anatomy study group for storyboard artists! (although not exclusive)
2 members
Don't judge of fish by its ability to climber tree
Anatomy and Character Drawing
69 members
Just trying to have a deeper understanding of character drawing and human anatomy, I'm not sure if anyone is really active on this site, but I could use some study partners.
Les instructeurs peuvent revoir le temps de pratique des membres.