Casual studies
© 2018 Will
30 secs
My goal for these is to be able to notice the curvature of the body / improve my gesture drawing ability overall (especially in the connecting joints and torso)
I usually do not request critique but am now willing to give it a shot. :
Hey again Will, the problem with your medium of choice is that you have to hold the pen in a writing grip which makes it hard to get fluid lines. If you really want to work with ink then you can do your poses in graphite and refine with ink afterwards. Ofcourse you can use ink and draw with a writing grip, it just gets harder to get fluid lines and you can't make your strokes broader or thinner based on how you tip your pencil. You're doing good tho - keep at it! :-)
Polyvios Animations
Hello again, Will.
Welcome aboard again. And a nice job on your range of action, dynamics, and movement of your storytelling drawings. I think that these stories that the poses are telling are very clearer, but I feel that these exaggerations could be all the more pushed and pulled. Why don't you please speed up your storytelling sketches with our interactive drawing tutorial?
The reason why you could, should, and would do this tutorial is because your storytelling sketches could benefit from more understanding and control of your drawing fundamentals in gestures. All beginning with quicker, looser sketches, therefore ending with longer, more carefuller drawings of poses. My hat's off to you!;)
Welcome aboard again. And a nice job on your range of action, dynamics, and movement of your storytelling drawings. I think that these stories that the poses are telling are very clearer, but I feel that these exaggerations could be all the more pushed and pulled. Why don't you please speed up your storytelling sketches with our interactive drawing tutorial?
The reason why you could, should, and would do this tutorial is because your storytelling sketches could benefit from more understanding and control of your drawing fundamentals in gestures. All beginning with quicker, looser sketches, therefore ending with longer, more carefuller drawings of poses. My hat's off to you!;)