5 minute gestures
© 2018 Sanne
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 05 minutes in length.
My current goal is: Reduce stiffness and make my drawings feel more dynamic, energetic, fluid
I've been trying to reduce the number of lines I use in gestures and taking more time to choose my lines. I recognize that perspective and proportions can still be hard for me to get right on the first try, as I'm constantly tempted to erase lines and try again.
Looks like you have a good handle on perspective! As for adding fluidity, try using references of people running, jumping, swimming, or otherwise doing something active rather than just posing. Sports magazines are great for this sort of thing.
Polyvios Animations
Hello and welcome back, Sanne, but once again, great work on your broad scope of forces, forms, spaces, and relationships, but these all seem a bit too timid and stilted to me yet. How would you care to go on board with 5 minutes of 30 second female and male nude warmups, and the non-binaries, too?
The reason is as a result, your diversity of figure studies will be sketched less stiff but more dynamic, vital, but energetic. For most details, look into studying some of the art online of Dutch Disney cartoonist Daan Jippes on your favourite search engine, and time yourself while sketching out people in dynamic but static poses at your local cafe.
Good luck from all of us.
The reason is as a result, your diversity of figure studies will be sketched less stiff but more dynamic, vital, but energetic. For most details, look into studying some of the art online of Dutch Disney cartoonist Daan Jippes on your favourite search engine, and time yourself while sketching out people in dynamic but static poses at your local cafe.
Good luck from all of us.