Grace H-25 min
© 2020 Gehenderson
Done as part of a 1 hour class.
My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form
Polyvios Animations
Nice job on your 25 min sketch, on your 1 hour class mode, gehenderson. Great work on it. Yet I've got one small idea: Why don't you do another 30 minute class mode on your figure studies, pretty please, please, please??? The reason why is because, your overall human proportions will be more and more solid, more and more fluid, and livelier at that round. Hope you'll find it essential in your next try.
Polyvios Animations
Polyvios Animations
Personally, I am quite impressed with how well you got the shape of the ribcage, hips and neck. It should be more important to continue capturing the gesture as you have done rather than jump straight into shading. For example, those under the foot and behind look scribbled in and does not add to the quality of your work.
I don't know much about using charcoal but I seriously suggest using a thinner line to demonstrate confidence and know exactly where the position of the body lies.
Hope that helps; keep going :3