© 2021 Sem
Done as part of a 1 hour class.
My current goal is: I don't know! I am an absolute beginner; I'm here to study the basics of rendering
A very strong start! All the figures are clearly 'in a pose' and you can definitely tell what each pose is. You've successfully captured what you're supposed to with gesture drawing.
Now you get to decide what you want to do with the rest of your drawing. Do you want to go for a more realistic style? A more cartoony style? You don't have to make a strong and immediate choice, but think about what you like in the drawing process and see what you can do to make that more of the whole process for you. Experiment!
Now you get to decide what you want to do with the rest of your drawing. Do you want to go for a more realistic style? A more cartoony style? You don't have to make a strong and immediate choice, but think about what you like in the drawing process and see what you can do to make that more of the whole process for you. Experiment!
Aunt Herbert
I would suggest trying to train your eyes towards getting the proprtions right, too. In your 30 sec sketches the head is almost consistently bigger than the chest. Drawing the limbs isn't always necessary in such short pieces, but if you do, try to draw them at approximately the right length. The spine ends in a curve that goes to the back of the skull.
The form of the chest is hard to understand, if you don't mentally separate it from the shoulder joints. The chest is pretty much invariably egg shaped, the shoulder joints are (when seen from the front) to the left and right of the "pointy bit" at the top.
The hip is the trickiest shape. I like the form you found at the drawing top row all to the right the best, although you placed the joints at same height, while in this pose the right one would be a tiny bit higher.
The form of the chest is hard to understand, if you don't mentally separate it from the shoulder joints. The chest is pretty much invariably egg shaped, the shoulder joints are (when seen from the front) to the left and right of the "pointy bit" at the top.
The hip is the trickiest shape. I like the form you found at the drawing top row all to the right the best, although you placed the joints at same height, while in this pose the right one would be a tiny bit higher.
I've got one tiny, small, littler critique, before we go on: I love how much your quick sketches go more, but I'm not getting enough of the boldest, largest and longest strokes in your quick attitudes? Would you kindly do two things for me?: 1) Pick up a Kindle of Quick Sketching with Ron Husband. 2) Find a silent slapstick by Buster Keaton, and practice quick sketching it; frame by frame with the left and right arrow keys on your laptop. And would you kindly do your second 30 minute class mode with those things, bearing in mind??
The reasons why are because of two reasons: a) to make your figures the least stiffest, and the most dynamic, most energetic and fluid. b) to really quite, fairly and totally get ahead of the game with your quickest drawings.
Good luck, cheers, and my hat's off to you!