Ten sixty second studies.

by Waynenc, March 23rd 2022 © 2022 Waynenc
I have done a lot of pastel landscapes, but I am a total beginner at figure drawing. My ultimate goal is tinclude people in my landscapes which are currently deserted.
Polyvios Animations
Good afternoon, waynenc, I'm Polyvios A., how are you? Greater work on your speed and proficiency of your forces and lines. Way to go on your drawings of inner thoughts and more importantly, your emotions.

I'm getting a bit of too much stiffer straights against curves here. Please liven up your lines with 11 minutes of 30 seconds of gestures, using whatever different mediums, like Crayola Crayons. Your broader attitudes and gestures will get more stronger in your style of drawing solidly, but fluid and lively. For further details, Look up this link. It can really help you out. Have fun, and happy sketching.
Thanks Polyvios for taking the time to comment!
I Love Food
Hii I think you did an awesome job overall the only thing i could say is that your lines aren't whole try doing one stoke lines and more fluid motions. Introduce more curves in your lines it doesn't matter how much you erase its part of the process cause I stopped drawing for a few years and came back like a new born baby with no knowledge just make sure you don't over exaggerate those curves the more you do it the more familiar it will be to you. =)
Thanks, I will work on that! W
Rental Titian
Great start but try and full out the line. Rather than short sharp strokes. Focus on long confident lines drawn from the shoulder and not the wrist.
Liquid Darkness
You seem to understand shapes pretty well! It may help you with figure drawing, however, if you tried to decompose the pose into individual shapes rather than imitate the silhuoutte with your lines. Draw a single line for overall flow of the pose and build the human with blocks. I hope I helped but you're already doing great! Keep it up!
Thanks, I will try that.
Wow, those look really good! It's impressive how you can suggest a figure using just a few lines!

One thing I would say however is that some of them still look a little blocky (which makes sense coming from a medium like pastels) so I would recommend that you practice finding the line of action to try to make everything flow a bit smoother.

Overall, well done and keep practicing :)

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