© 2018 WereWeasel
Done as part of a 30 minute class.
My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form
Hey Wereweasel I love your dynamic poses! Two things I notice you can improve is 1: The amount of lines you use, Don't limit the amount of strokes you make but make the lines longer - this will make them even more alive and fluid. We are made out of water and water never go in straight lines! :) 2: another thing is that I notice you don't draw through, what I mean by that is - a good example is your pose upper left, her thigh isnt connected with the leg. You solve this by ghosting in a line going through. Love the bottom right one, it's really thrusting itself forward :3
Polyvios Animations
Hello again,
Nicest job on your range of fluidity of the poses and the dynamics of the more forceful shapes. I think that these poses are much, much, much more solid but fluider, but I feel that these poses still should benefit the most exaggeration of curves opposing straights. Why don't you kindly free up your forces and forceful lines with 32 minutes of 2 minute poses all done with 2-3 lines?
The reason why you could and should do this critiques is as a result, your curves will have the most totally but extremely exaggerated in the graceful but extremely broadest long lines. For most details, kindly look into the PDFs of the 2 Walt Stanchfield books right here, and here.
My hat's off to you and your current and future goals.
Nicest job on your range of fluidity of the poses and the dynamics of the more forceful shapes. I think that these poses are much, much, much more solid but fluider, but I feel that these poses still should benefit the most exaggeration of curves opposing straights. Why don't you kindly free up your forces and forceful lines with 32 minutes of 2 minute poses all done with 2-3 lines?
The reason why you could and should do this critiques is as a result, your curves will have the most totally but extremely exaggerated in the graceful but extremely broadest long lines. For most details, kindly look into the PDFs of the 2 Walt Stanchfield books right here, and here.
My hat's off to you and your current and future goals.